Saturday, December 22, 2007

Well, here it is...

Christmas, it's here. I just hope I remembered everyone. Even though I make a list, I'm always afraid I've forgotten someone or something. *sigh*

It's just so hard to REALLY keep the focus, isn't it? My daddy always says, "It's Jesus' birthday, not mine; don't get me a thing." Well, I've never NOT gotten him anything, but deep in my heart, I think if I didn't he'd really be okay with it.

Jesus has truly done so much for us, hasn't He? This week in our Bible discussions, we got to the point in Mark where Judas betrayed Jesus. I've felt betrayed, haven't you? But to betray Jesus after following in His footsteps, hearing His voice, seeing His miracles... wait - I'VE done that! I certainly can't be too hard on Judas Iscariot when Jesus has given me so much - His Word to guide me, His Holy Spirit to comfort me, His GRACE that saved me! And I still betrayed Him.

Even this time of year, I struggle to remain faithful. I go to sleep with my mind swirling with things needing to be done, I wake up rushing so I can get things done... I have to MAKE myself sit down to my devotional journal. There's just so much to do. Satan does a mighty good job of getting us so BUSY, we put Jesus on the back burner -- and like Daddy says, It's HIS birthday!

I don't mean to put Him on the back burner, do you? It's not intentional. I try very hard to keep the focus on Him, but I fall so short - the dinner, the glittering lights, wrapping gifts, lists, schedules, double checking the lists,... and this year our heat pump went out. Whew! An added item on my mind's swirling list.

I saw a bright red sign in front of Simonton's Cheese House here in Crossville yesterday - JESUS IS THE REASON. If it hadn't be for Jesus we'd have no Christmas.

My goodness, when it's one of our boys' birthdays, we go all out from morning to night making him realize what a special gift he is, how blessed we are to have him in our life, what a treasure that day is for no other reason than HE WAS BORN!

Well, I want to do that for my Savior this year. I want His day to be focused on Him! I mean really! He is my hope, my ROCK, my counselor, my friend, my REDEEMER!

My God is Jehovah Jireh - the Lord my Provider. He has provided me with all I need and more - even the recognition that HE is the reason and that because of HIS gift, I can give - and I don't mean only physical gifts. I can give a smile, a word of encouragement, offer hope, lift a prayer...

Yes, it can be difficult to keep our focus, but I'm determined to NOT betray my Savior. I want to give Him all I have. Won't you join me?

Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!

You know, it's like that song Randy Travis sings -- He had the birthday, but we got the Gift....

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