Monday, June 11, 2007

Kissed by God

Today I finished the first chapter in "What Every Girl Wants" by Lisa Harper. It's a personal or group Bible Study for us gals... and it's wonderful!

My cousin took me to a Ladies Conference a couple months ago, and Lisa spoke there. This book is a study of the Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs... a pretty touchy book for most, but not Lisa. :o)

So, chapter one ends with a question about the most recent time you've been kissed by God. Hummm... coming from a very conservative background, you just don't talk about God that way, you know? I mean God and kissing in the same sentence? Uh-uh... BUT the book comes with a DVD allowing readers to join in on "book club" convo's. One member of the group shared how she felt alone in a desert, then she looked up to see a magnificent sunset. God's kiss, just for her. Another shared the precious gift of a loving, godly mother and how, at her mother's memorial service, folks she didn't even know spoke of the impact her mother's love had on their lives... a kiss from God at her time of grieving.

Yeah, that works. He loves us so much that he showers us with those sort of kisses... passionate, tender, just-what-we-need kind of kisses.

I feel God's having led my cousin and me to Lisa's table was a kiss from God. I'm basking in His love right now wondering how HE, could really love someone like me - a selfish brat, too often - so much that He could send His most precious Son... just for me! just for you! just for anyone who chooses to believe upon Him...

Now, is that a passionate kiss, or what?

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