Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Money Can Buy...

At church a couple of weeks ago, Mom handed me this yellowed little square of paper. The print is obviously from one of those old-fashioned, long-gone typewriters, but the wording is timeless. I have no clue who wrote this, it just says (copied) at then end, but I'd love to give credit where credit is due, so if you should know the author, please let me know, okay? Anyway, I hope it causes you to take a fresh look at your priorities....

Money Can Buy

A House but not a Home.
Food but not an Appetite.
Clothing but not Beauty.
Medicine but not Health.
A Bed but not Sleep.
Books but not Brains.
Luxury but not Culture.
Insurance but not Security.
Loyalty but not Love.
Happiness but not Joy.
Companions but not Friends.
Glasses but not Vision.
A Church but not Salvation.
A Crucifix but not a Saviour.

"For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Matt. 16:26a

It is easy to fall into the trap. We need money to live, but if we live for money, we have no life.

My children are growing so fast - time with them here at home with us is a temporary treasure. God has been really dealing with me this last month about my priorities. It's just so easy to lose focus and find yourself running like a hamster in that spinning wheel - round and round and round but never getting anywhere. Yet, the clock keeps ticking, the days keep passing...

I'm learning that it's only through the leading of the Holy Spirit that I can keep any sort of balance in my life - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, even physically. WORKING toward finding that "place" can be exhausting. My focus MUST remain on Him and Him alone; my trust must be in Him and Him alone.

Of course, several months ago I heard someone say - "Whoever said, 'Money can't buy happiness' never had any." And it IS nice to have money, I certainly can't argue there! But it's nicer to have JESUS! With Him - EVERYTHING is nicer.

Daddy always says, "I ain't never seen a U-Haul hitched to a hearse." But what I have seen is a long line of cars, haven't you? Cars that money can buy. Each and every one driven by a person - a person with a soul that will last for all eternity.....

Have you done a priority check lately?